If you have any questions or concerns we would be more than happy to discuss them with you.
Feel free to contact us.
Local Utilities
Nova Scotia Power:
(877) 428-6004
Telephone, Internet, and Cable:
(866) 425-4268
(888) 345-1111
Satellite TV:
Bell ExpressVu:
(888) 759-3474
(866) 782-7932
Halifax Regional Water Commission:
(902) 490-4820
Pinecrest > Properties > Rental Terms And Conditions
Pinecrest Properties rents on a first come, first serve basis.
The following conditions must be met in order to rent a suite from us and have keys issued:
- Provide proof of tenant insurance.
Tenant insurance to be in force and proof of such received no later than your move-in date. This must be faxed by your insurance agent directly to us. Hand delivered copies are also accepted. This should cost between $100 and $130 per year depending on the insurance company you choose. You can get a list of insurance companies in Halifax by following this link:
There is no particular requirement to get insurance from a company in Halifax. If you're not from the area you can also contact companies in your local area if you wish.
- Provide a security deposit totaling 50% of the monthly rent.
This must be in the form of cash, certified cheque, money order, or bank draft. Non-certified cheques cannot be accepted. This payment must be dated no later than the date of your move-in. This payment may also be made through an e-mail Interac money transfer through on-line banking.
- Pay rent for the first month of the lease.
This must also be cash, certified cheque, money order, or bank draft. This payment must be dated no later than the date of your move-in. This payment may also be made through an e-mail Interac money transfer through on-line banking.
- Provide post-dated cheques for months two through twelve.
We rent on a year-to-year basis. The rent for the second through twelfth months are to be paid by post-dated cheque only and imprinted with your name. These post-dated cheques must be received from you no later than your move-in and dated for the first day of each month.
To expedite the lease signing we request that all approved tenants read over the Nova Scotia Standard Form of Lease and our Rules of Occupancy in advance.
You should also read over the Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies Act.
We also perform a suite inspection with the Nova Scotia Standard Rental Unit Condition Report to properly document the condition of the suite before and after the tenancy.
More information regarding the renting of residential property in Nova Scotia can be found on-line at the Service Nova Scotia web site.